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Showing posts from November, 2017


Welcome! This is a technology, media, and culture analysis blog. Here you'll find tidbits on trends and technology. As you read the infidivual posts, you'll see one common theme: technology has dramatically changes the way we live, work, and interact. For communications professionals, the workplace has transformed. First of all, the workplace may not actually be a physical place, since technology enables us to work from anywhere. This changes the game for communications professionals mentally. We must prioritize to cut through the cacophony of information, as well as look at things with fresh eyes to reinvent as technology moves forward (read "Prioritize and Reinvent"). In order to accomplish that, we must be constantly learning, focusing on becoming more nimble communicators instead of digging into a niche (read "Be Nimble, Not Niche"). Culturally, we have come to expect not only convenient but meaningful interactions online, especially through